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GoPro Hero 2 - Lee Enfield British .303 Rifle at 120FPS Slow Motion
GoPro Hero 2 - Lee Enfield British .303 Rifle at 120FPS - Slow Motion
Lee Enfield British .303 - Near Bullseye at 25 yards, GoPro Hero 2 at 120FPS Slow Motion
Lee Enfield No4 MK2 - Maltby FTR slow motion
Slow Motion 303 Brit
WW2 Savage No 4 MkI* Lee-Enfield in .303 British
Lee Enfield (sporterised) 303brittish slow-mo
Lee Enfield No 5 Jungle Carbine slow motion
Lee Enfield No4 Mk2- Slow motion firing
Lee Enfield Rifle At Range With GoPro Hero 3+ Black
Muletamer on Lee Enfield .303
GoPro Mount Test #2 With Rifle